Produced by Jon Child

Transcript of Program 17, 1985

Some of Julie’s early work in channel from 1984 and 1985 where Micciah discusses:
• The upsurge of spiritual energy in the last 10 years View Section
• Creating safety in times of tumultuous change View Section
• Death View Section
• Julie gives a special video meditation on life being safe. View Section

   Micciah:  We greet you all, dear friends.

   Julie:  We do greet you, indeed.  This is Micciah Channel, and I’m Julie Winter.  Micciah is an energy entity who works with me while I’m in trance,  and while I’m in the trance state I have access to a point of view that seems to come from a non-physical realm.  This series of programs is drawn primarily from videotapes taken during my regular classes.  We want to expand our circle, and include your energy and interest in our work.
   This program is arranged so that there are segments from a number of different sessions. The first segment deals with the upsurge of spiritual energy in the last ten years, and the impact this has had on the planet. The second segment deals with creating personal peace in a tumultuous time. The third segment deals with death, and choosing death on an inner level, and what that choice implies. At the very end, we’re going to have a meditation and we’d like you all to join in.


   Micciah:  Now this leads us to the issue of the consciousness of the planet, of the earth realm, at this moment, at this time. It is true that in the last ten years or so, as you calculate time, there has been an upsurge, a swelling, a wave of contact with the spiritual. We don’t mean this in a religious sense. But, there has been a yearning in the hearts of many to feel the celebration of life energy, and this collective yearning at the group level created the appearance in the physical world of many teachers, many books, many workshops and seminars, classes and so forth. Because the yearning is in your hearts. And through the individual and collective work of all people who have become involved, each in their own way, through this work there has been a shift in the earth’s potential. What is realized in the physical realm begins in consciousness, and the momentum of mindful being has increased. Therefore, the earth plan has shifted, and there is more acceptance of the loving nature of reality.


   Micciah:  How to create a safe place in this tumultuous time. This time, as we have said, is a time of great healing, when centuries and centuries, of energy that has not been chewed up or digested or burned in such a way to release the love. It is all boiling out now, boiling, boiling, boiling. And
   that is the meaning of this election. Continues the healing process — which is not to say it was fated, it was a choice. And it was also a response to fear, to the desire to protect, by holding on, holding in. It is yet another paradox of this physical realm that to be safe you must be safe even with death. While death is a threat to you, you can never be safe, and yet there is the drive of the personality to live, meaning to stay in the body, and your culture has taken this to the most extraordinary extremes: stockpiling weapons, lethal beyond your imagination, and also holding people in their bodies, or people agreeing, losing the inner power, the inner choice — or feeling they have lost it — wishing to stay in bodies that cannot function, that cannot feel pleasure, that cannot carry the life charge without tubes and machines. This is very, very violent opposition, yes? To have huge deadly weapons to protect life and horrible machines, which are in some times a torture, to protect life. There is something you are misunderstanding about life and death, which is part of life. You isolate people from the mysteries, from birthing and from dying. How many of you in this room have seen babies born, or have watched people, and sat with them, and helped them across the river when they died? Not so many. And yet there is wholesale slaughter. We are not criticizing, you know. We are noticing this strange paradox.
   What is safe? Love is safe, but it is very risky. To love so much that you say, “No, I will not kill another human being, no more, no way.” That is very safe. And it is an enormous risk, yes? To say, “I withdraw my energy from violence.” Not anger. Anger doesn’t create violence. We have said this before. Impotence creates violence. Fear creates violence. Anger, when it is expressed and released, does not create violence. To say, “I will withdraw my own energies and put the toward love, toward peace.” Even when it doesn’t seem safe to do that. "I will take the risk." How do you create safety? That is how.
   You cannot make things safe by hanging on to them. You cannot save a flower by holding it like that. [clenching gesture] You can create safety by telling the truth. We don’t mean necessarily  reporting of literal facts. Because facts, you know... [gestures rocking with hand] To go back to the question of perception: what exactly is a fact? Somewhere in the middle of a very colorful spectrum are fans of probabilities, in the middle somewhere is maybe a fact. Is a fact that fire will burn you? Yes, unless you adjust your consciousness, your awareness threads, so that it will not burn you. But the fire is always hot, so what has changed? You know, people can walk on fire. Is that safe? No. Not unless you can truthfully, in your own consciousness, align with an awareness that it is safe to walk on fire. And you can’t fake it.
   So what is safe is to be truthful, meaning to be connected to your own truth, which is based in your own experience. What is safe is to risk being loving. What is safe is your own living experience of your inner power. Don’t confuse “safe” with “safe.” There’s safe and safe. What is safe is to be concerned with something and someone other than yourself; what is not safe is to think you are isolated. The cells of your body are not... You are not isolated from each other; you are not isolated by national boundaries; you are not isolated in the galaxy. What is not safe is to think that everything affects everything else.
   What about healing? Is that safe, to heal yourself? Well, really, nothing else ever heals you. If you take an antibiotic, your body still heals you. Sometimes surgery is extraordinary and miraculous and absolutely supportive of the forces of healing.


   Micciah:  Death. Weighty topics this evening. You fear death, you misunderstand death. Well, time is simultaneous, but we will put that aside for a moment because to the physical organism it is not experienced that way. When the body dies, goes, is released, you are born into another realm just as surely as you are born in this one when you make your entrance in the body. The total self, the Great Self, always participates in a choice in the moment to die; and it is not foreordained. You are really always choosing, to be here, not to be here, to be here, not to be here, to be here, not to be here, to be here. Sometimes when there is massive physical deterioration, the Great Self simply wishes to go. Sometimes the work in a life has been completed. It has nothing to do with old age; you can live many years and be incomplete, and you can live very few years and be complete.
   In other times, there were those — and there still are some — who could withdraw the energy from the physical self consciously, those who could close down each energy center one by one and leave. And when there was an inner knowing, then it was time. Even when death seems forced upon you, at the deepest creative level — not the level where you can know, but in the tissue, the cosmic tissue of your being — you are choosing to go out. But there is no one reason. You try to hold people in their bodies. Death is seen as ghastly, except in the case of very old age. It is seen as ghastly and dreadful and as a punishment.
   It is a transformation. It is a paradox. Life is very precious, to be honored, to be respected, to be fought for, and yet death is not a punishment. Sometimes the willfulness of a personality is so strong that they simply will not go on. Talking about being right! There are people who would rather die than be wrong. Many wars contain that element: Our nation , or God is on our side. Perhaps God does not take sides. We are circling around this question.
   It is wise to consciously address the issue of death. You keep it a secret, it is a dirty secret. How many of you have been with someone as they made the transition out of their body? It is hidden, it is shrouded, it is treated in some ways as if it were obscene. Death and birth. It’s changing, slowly, this attitude. There used to be, and there should be — and if any of you wish to investigate this we encourage you — there should be people trained to usher out those who are going over, with chanting, with talking, so that the transition out of the body is an easy one. You need to have death on your shoulder. The more you deny death, the more pressing the shadow becomes. And that is part of the conscious unknowing, because most of you don’t know consciously when death will find you. Really, you are finding it, but it doesn’t look that way. To be truly empowered is to revere life and to embrace death. Not to court it in a self-destructive way but to embrace it as part of all the process of transformation. And when you read accounts of people who have almost died, almost universally the description is of great joy. It is a paradox, and yet life is precious. And that transition is also precious, not to be taken lightly.
   Think about it. How would you like to go? How do you want to leave your bodies? Think about it, talk about it.


   Julie: [Video Meditation] Watch the images and relax. Watch the images, pay attention to the images. The sun rises and falls, and within all brightness is darkness. There is a quality of yearning and surrender that is safe to explore. Life in all its disguises is a joyful celebration, a releasing, and the risk of dying and being born in the dying is beloved. The risk is safe. Being born is safe, and dying is safe. It is all contained, it is all revealed, in the mystery of being born. Love is safe. Life is safe.


   Julie: Welcome back from the meditation.

   Julie: “This channeling is meant to be a spiritual, emotional, intellec­tual, heartful, mindful journey that I share with another realm, that I share with my classes and that we all share with you. Please go over the material, evaluate it for yourself, and know what it is that you think about it.”