Micciah Channel, Julie Winter. Program 154

Some of Julie’s early work in channel from 1990 where Micciah discusses:
• The Prayer Basket View Section
In “this time of vast disturbances,” how can we keep our sense of connection with Spirit? “Out There is an extension of In Here.” View Section
Dealing with violence: see beyond the good/evil split. Let the violent situation become transparent. While supporting good causes, work with the belief “that there has to be a bad guy.” Transformation of consciousness required. We have “vast stores” of creativity that could solve the planet’s dilemma. View Section
To help people “caught between worlds”: In luminous world, hold them, know they are completely safe. Exit from physical body takes time. Dying means not loneliness but total welcome. View Section

Julie's book is available at:
Ministry of MaƄt (publisher)
Barnes & Noble
Apple Books

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