Micciah Channel, Julie Winter. Program 160

Some of Julie’s early work in channel from 1991 & 1990 where Micciah discusses:
Awakening — a many-layered process. The shift from patterns of automaticity to patterns consciously conceived. Liberation, bliss: the nectar of receiving Spirit. View Section
Picturing peace: When our choosing is “conceived in Spirit, all events are fertilized by Spirit”: everything is treated as the Beloved. In mythical times, when the link between realms was clear, birth and dying were done “in ongoing communication with the soul.” “You are moving back toward great bliss.” View Section
Abandonment, a common fear: “Tribal life is so dislocated” that we focus all need on “Significant Other.” Anxiety for our mother the Earth: a “seed in group consciousness,” breeding fear of abandonment. Healing comes through reconnection with Spirit. View Section

Julie's book is available at:
Ministry of Maåt (publisher)
Barnes & Noble
Apple Books

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